LENOX Observation #4 A scattered type of tooth breakage on tips and corners of the teeth. Probable Cause: A. Improper break-in procedure. B. Improper blade selection for application. C. Handling damage due to improper opening of folded..
What if my blade has body breakage or cracks from the gullets?
LENOX Observation #16 The origin of the fracture is indicated by a flat area on the fracture surface. Probable Cause: A. Excessive back-up guide “preload”. B. Improper band tension. C. Guide arms spread to maximum capacity. D...
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Oregon Industrial | LENOX Certified Band Saw Blade Welder and Distributor
Oregon Industrial is a LENOX Certified Weld Center based in Eugene, Oregon. Since our beginning, we have been dedicated to welding band saw blades of the highest quality for every application, including wood, metal and pallet cutting. All our blades meet LENOX factory specifications and are continually tested for the optimum weld. Get expert safety tips, ask us a question, and contact us to learn more about choosing a new band saw blade for your needs.